How to Develop a Mobile App complete the development guide

What is a Mobile App?

Mobile application development is a type of software developed to be used on mobile devices such as tablets or phones. Whatsapp, Facebook, and Subway Surfers are currently among the most downloaded mobile apps.

The primary purpose of apps was to improve productivity. Calendar email, contact, and calendar lists were once commonplace. These are now included in every smartphone.

3 types of mobile apps

The software aspect of mobile apps is aware of three different types of development for mobile apps – native, cross-platform, and hybrid.

Native Apps

The development of native apps is the creation of mobile applications that are compatible with a specific device. Such specificity allows developers to create applications that are notable for their performance and functionality.

Cross-Platform Apps

Apps that cross-platform is designed to be compatible with various operating systems for mobile devices.

React Native, Xamarin, and Flutter are popular software tools to develop applications that run on multiple platforms.

Although it’s easier to go down the cross-platform development path to launch your app to a wider audience, however, the performance isn’t expected to be at the same level as native apps. The process of customizing is more complicated.

Hybrid Apps

Hybrid app development use web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS but they wrap the content into an application designed specifically for use on smartphones. This makes it less expensive in terms of cost in terms of time and effort for both developers as well as businesses.

It is important to remember that hybrid applications rely on web-based development techniques, however, they are deployed in a mobile-friendly environment.

In addition, As an aside, progressive web apps (PWAs) have some resemblances with hybrid applications. They are designed using web technology, but run within browsers and require no installation.

5 Benefits of Developing a Mobile App

Many companies think that they’re doing well because their website is up and believe that they can get identical results. However, mobile apps are a new ballgame.


Apps are more efficient than websites. They’re easier to access and have superior performance and also. In addition, the fact that when using a mobile application users can have both online and offline access since certain elements can be saved in caches or downloaded to be used offline.


When you have a mobile app you’ll be able to see the engagement of users in two different ways. The first is that you’ll notice an increase in the engagement of your app due to the introduction of new users. You’ll also observe an increase in engagement when it comes to business-to-consumer (C2B) interactions


App developers for mobile devices can provide users of smartphones with more customized experiences. Instead of looking at what everyone else is seeing on a site, it is possible to use options like Dashboard as well as Recent History tabs so the user’s experience is customized to the user.

SEO Ranking

SEO or search engine optimization (SEO) is a factor within the App Store too. The content you upload to the app and the app itself could be improved to get a higher ranking. Naturally, your company will perform better when it is ranked higher.

Also, check Do you need a mobile app for your business?

New Consumer Base

Mobile apps are more likely to attract an audience that is younger. While Boomers may dismiss them because of their habits but you can make use of this type of new users to gain a competitive edge.

Steps in Mobile App Development

If you’re now in the process of developing your application, you’re likely thinking about what happens during the development process.

There are many phases of development that have to be completed to create your mobile app with success.

The various stages of the development process for mobile apps are inextricably linked to each other and are closely linked.


Specifications, or specifications for short, comprise around 10 percent of the total process of developing an application.

This is the stage where you’ll focus on the app’s capabilities and navigation features as well as other technical aspects.

This implies that vague notions regarding the final product have to be refined and/or updated with as many specifics as possible.


The user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) play an important contribution to the success of the project.

They focus on the appearance of the application and how users will interact with your application.

This phase of mobile app development is typically 20 percent of the total time spent on development.

Back-End Development

The backend of development handles all internal structures that will be required to run your application. This includes APIs, application programming interfaces (APIs) and data diagrams server, data integration, and push notifications.

But, for more basic applications, you might want to make use of the backend as a service (BaaS) system.

BaaS providers provide all the technology required to create your application. In essence, they permit you to outsource the development process completely, allowing you to reduce time and money.

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Front-End Development

Development of the front end is concentrated on the client side of the application and is concerned with everything the user can see on the display.

You should ensure that users are provided with smooth and seamless interactions. This aspect of development is heavily on the information that is provided through UI or UX designs.

While back-end development that is custom can be replaced with a BaaS platform, front-end programming is where putting in the diligence truly pays off.

Quality Assurance

Qualitative assurance (QA) is a way of ensuring the quality of your application to standards. This particular stage is tied to back-end as well as front-end development.

It takes about 60-70% of the development process. Software quality assurance is a set of requirements, which if adhered to can guarantee the highest quality software product.

Testing is equally crucial and is an ongoing process throughout development, where you are able to spot small flaws in the functionality of the application and correct these before the release of the application.

Design Thinking within the Mobile App Development Process

Design, efficiency, functionality, and user-friendly functions are the foundations of a good software product.

To ensure that the item you offer is liked by its customers You must put on their shoes.

One method of doing this is by using design thinking. Design thinking is a way to focus on empathy. That is don’t make assumptions about what your customers are looking for. Let them speak to you about what they want to hear from you. And listen.

There are many theories of the concept of design thinking however, to simplify, it is a human-centered process of problem-solving that is creative.

Although it may seem as if this was always the aim of software design, it isn’t the reality.

Software is designed for humans however traditional development addresses the logical aspect of the building where the behavior can be optimized.

Humans are more emotionally sensitive than an array of buttons and clicks could actually communicate. It is essential to look deeper into their motives and emotions in order to make your product more effective.

Also, check6 tips for mobile app development that will help you target your audience


Congratulations! Now, you have the foundational elements to create your first mobile application.

The process of developing your app will not be simple. This is why it’s crucial to incorporate strategies such as design thinking in the process of development.

Earning money is another hurdle that you’ll have to traverse in the near future. You’re fortunate to have a lengthy and detailed list of ways to monetize your app to make your app successful in the marketplace.

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