6 Essential Skills you need to be an ANDROID DEVELOPER

Making Android apps requires thorough knowledge of the basics of programming and layout. When you’re attempting to learn about a new technology for the initial time, it usually helps to break it into parts. If you’re a seasoned web developer, a lot of the ideas and concepts used in Android app development are identical to concepts you already have a working knowledge of, however, creating applications for mobile devices typically requires proficiency in the range of more complex concepts. Mobile devices are smaller in size as well as simpler processors and, with regard to Android numerous manufacturers which means that developers have to make their code adaptable and accommodate different scenarios for user interfaces.

So what do you need in order to qualify as an Android developer? We interviewed some of the most talented developers from our community to share the information you should be aware of.


Java is the programming language that powers the majority of Android development. for those that have accumulated the majority of their experience in other languages, such as JavaScript and Ruby There are some learning curves for those who are learning Java as a Java programing language in the beginning.

As with JavaScript as well as Ruby, Java is object-oriented however, it is more stringent when dealing with data types. Developers must be more cautious when writing codes, specifying the type of data that their mobile app development is designed to work with, and be more careful about how they allocate precious memory resources.


XML was developed as a standard to encode data for mobile applications. It is a markup language that is structured with many features that are similar to HTML You may recognize the angled brackets and the Tag and type types, as well as an in-depth nesting.

In simple terms it allows information to be transferred through devices in such a format that is easily understood. Within the Android world, developers utilize XML to design layouts that act as the primary UI specification for Android applications.

Also, check – How to Develop a Mobile App complete the development guide


SDK is a shorthand in the form of a Software Development Kit, which might make you think of a briefcase stuffed with spy tools, it is a euphemism for a pre-packaged set of code. They are a set of modules that are made of Java code that allows developers access to functions on mobile devices such as the accelerometer and camera.

One important component that is part of Android SDK is a library known as Gradle. Let’s suppose that you wish to integrate a social networking platform such as Facebook into your app. You’ll download an SDK Code library (or SDK) from Facebook and then tell Gradle the SDK is being used to ensure that when your application is compiled the code is organized. The newest Android developers will be spending a lot of their time learning how various SDKs that are available on Android can be integrated into various ways to build your Android application.


A fully integrated development system (IDE) that is the preferred preference that is used by Android developers is known as Android Studio. Android Studio is built on top of the highly-respected IntelliJ IDE, and it has excellent out-of-the-box support for the majority of the popular Android SDKs.

Android Studio also features many features that developers would expect of an IDE that is fully featured. Code completion allows you to make auto-complete suggestions while you compose. Code debuggers allow you to walk through your code and pinpoint the root of your mistakes.



If your app is responsible for handling large quantities of data, the majority of it won’t be on your phone at any time. Your application will probably communicate with a database that is outside your phone. Cloud services such as Firebase or Parse provide APIs that make it easy that store information in cloud storage and to make it accessible across all devices.

These platforms can also provide Java libraries that you can incorporate into your application and make it possible to save some information stored on the user’s device. The synchronization of data between local storage and a remote database is essential when you’re trying to let users use your app even in the event of an offline connection.


Contrary to other competitors such as Apple, Google has not always maintained a uniform style of design across its products. In the last few years, that has changed. Google has published an innovative set of interface guidelines and standards, dubbed Material Design, that is being applied to all of their products.

These standards provide tips on how to arrange different elements across the screen and apply specific styles such as drop shadows. You’ve likely encountered Material Design in real life in the case of the latest Google Drive app or the new Inbox by Gmail application for mobile devices.


As with any product you design the best execution will only be successful if you’re working with an idea that people actually appreciate. Before you begin creating any mobile app make sure you sketch out your idea the people who will benefit from the app and what issue can it address.

You can then wireframe your app using a program like Balsamiq or Sketch, and then present it to those in your targeted group. Seek their feedback on your concept and be prepared to tweak your idea as you collect suggestions from the platform. Make sure you let go of your fears of receiving feedback as an app developer for mobile devices and be prepared to tweak your concept as you develop your first Android apps.

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